Monday, January 6, 2014


My name is Andy Michlig and I'm a senior at Loras.  I am enrolled in a Science of Cooking course, and am looking forward to experimenting with different kinds of ingredients.  Like most people I know, I was born and raised on food so this is no doubt a relate-able course for my life.  Being from Wisconsin, my diet consists of brats and cheese curds.  Since moving to Iowa, I've expanded my diet to whatever the cafeteria serves, eggs, pizza, sandwiches, and spaghetti.

My goals for the course:

1. Actually attempt to cook food beyond frozen dinners, eggs, and spaghetti. Experimenting with different ingredients will help me expand my cooking.

2. Learn some science. Being an accounting major, I have yet to take a science course at Loras.  This will expand my boundaries, and possibly be the most fun way to learn science because it involves food.

3. Try to experiment with food that I normally never eat. Including new meats and veggies.  Might as well go all in if I'm going to be experimenting
Chef in the house



  1. Andy! As someone who has experienced your massive amount of spaghetti eating I think it is a great goal for you to be open to trying new foods and new recipes. I wish you the best in achieving your goals for this course!

  2. From your intro, it seems as though this is the perfect class for you. I like the goals that you set for this class and I'm sure you will complete all three of them

  3. Andy great introduction about yourself!! good explanation about your goals. I am a business major too, and as you I also haven't taken a science class. So I know we will like the challenge. I will be posting more comments on your next posts.
